alimentación saludable



In the ever-evolving world of health and wellness, trends come and go. While some pave the way to interesting improvements, others could simply be passing fads or, worse, potentially harmful. As women, it is crucial to approach health trends with skepticism. What one person is promoting on social media may seem to work for them, but it may be harmful to other people. Below, we'll explore some trends that could do more harm than good and provide healthier alternatives:

1- Excessive Cardio

While cardiovascular exercise is crucial for heart health, an excessive focus on cardio can prove problematic. Endless hours of high-intensity cardio can lead to burnout, elevated stress levels, and even hormonal imbalances. Instead of focusing solely on cardio, find a balance by including strength training as well. This will help build a more resilient and balanced body.

2- Extremely Calorie Restricted Diets

Diets that promote extreme calorie restriction for long periods of time can have detrimental effects on health. While losing weight quickly may seem like a win, these diets often deprive the body of essential nutrients, which can lead to fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, and long-term health problems. It's crucial to take a balanced and sustainable approach to eating, focusing on variety and moderation.

3- Waist Reducing Corsets

Tight corsets can compress internal organs, which can result in respiratory and digestive problems. In addition, these devices provide only a temporary illusion of a slimmer figure and do not contribute to healthy, sustainable weight loss. Instead of relying on quick fixes, it is important to accept and embrace the natural shape of the body and focus on overall health and well-being.

4- Detox juices

During a juice cleanse, the body can be deprived of essential nutrients, as well as carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. These extremely restrictive diets can lead to fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, and long-term health problems. Instead of resorting to drastic methods, it is essential to take a balanced and sustainable approach to eating, focusing on whole, nutritious foods.

5- HIIT Workouts on an Empty Stomach

High-intensity training requires an adequate supply of energy to maximize results and avoid negative effects such as fatigue and dizziness. Avoiding eating before a HIIT workout can result in a lack of energy and suboptimal performance. Instead, opt for a small source of carbohydrates before exercise to provide the necessary energy and improve your performance.

Before adopting any health or wellness trend, it is essential to do your research and consult with a qualified health professional. Remember that true health and wellness come from balanced and sustainable practices over time.

Written by Ana Saiz

Co-founder of Ganbatte Superfoods

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Carmen Mayorga

Carmen Mayorga

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Lo tendré presente, ya que salvo los corses reductores de cintura, tales consejos aplican tanto al seso femenino como masculino.



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