What are your cravings trying to tell you?

¿Qué te están tratando de decir tus antojos?

In the vast and complex world of human psychology, cravings have always been a fascinating enigma. From that uncontrollable desire for chocolate to the sudden craving for salty foods, our cravings can reveal more about us than we might imagine. In this article, we'll dive into the curious relationship between our cravings and our psyche, exploring the possibility that these seemingly simple desires are trying to communicate something deeper to us.

The Science Behind Cravings: Beyond Sensory Pleasure

In scientific terms, cravings have often been attributed to physiological and nutritional factors. For example, craving salty foods could be a sign of sodium deficiency, while craving sweets could be linked to fluctuations in blood glucose levels. However, is this all there is to our cravings?

The mind-body connection is an ever-evolving field of study, and growing evidence suggests that our cravings may have deeper roots in our psychology and emotions. From stress to happiness, our emotions play a crucial role in shaping our cravings.

Emotional Cravings: What Emotions Are Behind the Desire for Food?

The relationship between cravings and emotions is a complex dance. Many people turn to food as a way to deal with their emotions, whether it's stress, sadness or joy. But what kind of emotions might be hiding behind those specific cravings?

  1. Chocolate Craving: The Desire for Comfort

    Chocolate, with its indulgent taste, is often associated with comfort and pleasure. A craving for chocolate may indicate an emotional need for comfort, especially during times of stress or sadness.

  2. Salty Food Cravings: The Search for Stability

    Salty foods are linked to emotional stability. A craving for chips or pretzels could be the mind seeking balance and security, especially in times of uncertainty.

  3. Sugar Cravings: The Search for Instant Joy

    Cravings for sweets are often linked to the search for instant happiness. In times of emotional lows, sugar can provide a quick boost of energy and joy.

  4. Comfort Food Craving: Nostalgia in a Bite

    Comfort food has the power to transport us back to happy times of the past. A craving for childhood food can be linked to nostalgia and a desire to re-experience those comforting moments.

How to Interpret and Respond to Our Cravings?

Since our cravings can have many different interpretations, it's critical to learn to listen to what we really need. Here are some strategies for interpreting and responding healthily to our emotional cravings:

  1. Emotional Self-Awareness:

    Taking a moment to reflect on your emotional state can be revealing. Are you stressed, sad or happy? Knowing your emotions can help you understand the reason behind your cravings.

  2. Healthy Alternatives:

    Instead of giving in to cravings with unhealthy options, looking for more nutritious alternatives can be beneficial. For example, choosing dark chocolate instead of milk can satisfy chocolate cravings in a healthier way.

  3. Explore Other Ways to Cope with Emotions:

    Diversifying coping strategies can reduce dependence on food. Meditation, exercise, and artistic expression are effective ways to manage stress and anxiety.

  4. Nutritional Balance:

    Making sure you maintain a balanced and nutritious diet can reduce the frequency of cravings related to nutritional deficiencies.


Sugar cravings are made worse by spikes and crashes in blood sugar. To avoid the blood sugar roller coaster, include a healthy source of protein at every meal and opt for protein-rich snacks. Also, satisfy your chocolate craving by having the treat you want, but pair it with fresh fruit. The fiber in fruit will help you feel satisfied, which reduces the likelihood of overindulging on the sugary option.

Here's a recipe you can try whenever you're craving something sweet!

Chocolate Rocks with Strawberries and Yogurt.

Here's what you'll need:

1 container of strawberries

½ cup yogurt

1 serving of Protein powder

1 cup melted chocolate

Here's how to do it:

Wash and cut the strawberries

Mix with ½ cup of yogurt and Protein

Place in 6 batches and freeze for 2-3 hours

Dip them in melted chocolate and freeze again for 1 hour.


Strawberry cluster with chocolate and yogurt

Written by Ana Saiz

Co-founder of Ganbatte Superfoods

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