9 Tips to Improve Wellbeing in the Office

9 Consejos para Mejorar el Bienestar en la Oficina

"Integrating wellness practices into the workplace can make a huge difference to employee health and happiness."

Today we bring you 9 wellness hacks that can be introduced into a work environment to improve the work environment:

1. Encourage Fresh Air and Natural Light:

  • Open the windows to allow fresh air circulation and natural light to enter.
  • Consider installing fans or air purifiers to improve indoor air quality.

2. Create Biophilic Spaces with Indoor Plants:

  • Place indoor plants throughout the office to add a touch of nature and improve air quality.
  • Create green spaces with seating areas or gathering areas surrounded by plants to create a relaxing and stimulating environment.

Example of a biophilic space in a company

3. Stock the Fruit Bowl and Offer Herbal Tea Options:

  • Keep a bowl of fresh fruit in the kitchen or common area to encourage healthy eating habits among employees.
  • Offers a variety of herbal tea options to promote hydration and provide a natural energy boost.

4. Opt for a Minimalist Design:

  • Simplify your office design by eliminating clutter and opting for minimalist furniture and decorations.
  • A clean and tidy space can help reduce stress and improve employee concentration.

5. Create an Art Buying Committee:

  • Form a committee to select and acquire works of art to decorate the office.
  • Inspirational art can stimulate creativity and improve employee morale.

6. Encourage Employees to Spend Time Outdoors:

  • Promotes the importance of taking breaks outdoors during the workday.
  • Organize group walks or outdoor activities to foster connection with nature and reduce stress.

Example of outdoor meetings

7. Introduce Standing Desks:

  • Offers the option of adjustable standing desks to promote healthy posture and reduce prolonged sitting.
  • Standing desks can help increase employee energy and productivity.

8. Book Team Yoga Sessions:

  • Organize regular yoga sessions in the office to help employees relax and rejuvenate during the work day.
  • Yoga can improve flexibility, reduce stress and promote physical and mental well-being.

9. Prioritize Employee Health and Safety:

  • Keep workplace health and safety policies up to date and ensure they are followed at all times.
  • Provides resources and training to promote a safe and healthy work environment for all.

Do you recognize any of these hacks in your work environment?

By implementing these wellness hacks in your workplace, you can create a healthier, happier, and more productive environment for your employees, which will translate into greater success and satisfaction at work.


Written by Ana Saiz

Co-founder of Ganbatte Superfoods

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